US War Memorial, Wellington NZ

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The American Battle Monuments Commission commissioned four firms to develop design concepts for a new U.S. memorial at New Zealand’s historic War Memorial Park in the city of Wellington. FBP teamed with Generator Studio of Kansas City to develop a design concept. With a focus on World War II, our design celebrates the 100-year alliance between U.S. & N.Z.  The bridge symbolizes the Arc of History where significant conflicts & peacekeeping agreements between our nations are remembered. The bridge is also located on an axis connecting Washington DC and Wellington.  It lies at the intersection of two opposing gardens:  Garden of Peace and Garden of Sacrifice, and is a place to experience the dualities of Peace & War, Life & Death, Hope & Despair and the intersection of these dualities where Peacekeeping, Growth and Sacrifice are embraced and as a place to honor and remember those who have served.